Beyond MOOCs: The Future of Learning on the Future Internet

John Domingue chaired the session “Beyond MOOCs: The Future of Learning on the Future Internet” at the Future Internet Assembly (FIA) 2014. The session was well attended. Speakers in this session outlined a number of new and emerging learning paradigms based on innovative uses of the Internet and also how large-scale infrastructures could support the new requirements generated. One of the speakers Natalia Arredondo from the University of Newcastle, described a new project funded through a one million dollar TED award, teaching disadvantaged children in India through “Cloud Schools”. This team’s early work apparently inspired the Danny Boyle film “Slumdog Millionaire”. Other speakers covered FutureLearn (given by Rebecca Ferguson, Pedagogic Adviser at FutureLearn), Cisco’s Networking Academy which trains over 1 million network engineers per year (given by Andrew Smith of the Department of Communication and Systems at the Open University), industrial training from a large corporation (ATOS) and SME perspective and how the large ultrafast network infrastructures in the US (GENI) and Europe (GRNET) currently support teaching and learning. 

More details about this session in this very thorough blog post by Marieke Guy.

Here is the Twitter timeline of the event:

Thursday, March 20th 2014 - 9:00 AM (GMT +02:00) (GM +02:00)